Orfit Eco is extremely well suited for large and/or rigid orthotic fabrication. It is a great material for elbow, forearm, wrist, ankle, and even back supports as well as anti-spasticity, long arm and lower extremity splints.

Orfit Eco Black NS offers incredible ease of use. It has a non-sticky (NS) coating, unlike Orfit Eco, which has a powdered surface.


Dorsal cock-up orthosis with Orfit Eco


  • Orfit Eco Black NS is a non-stick coated material.
  • Offers excellent rigidity and has excellent resistance to fingerprints.
  • High resistance to stretch and low drape.
  • Low to moderate elastic memory.
  • High quality recycled material.
  • Available in pre-cuts.

How it works and looks

  • A temporary bond can be used during the moulding process to keep the material in place. No risk for accidental bonding. Permanent bond only when desired by dry heating and after removal of the coating.
  • Allows to apply pressure during the fabrication of the orthosis. Easy handling and control of material during moulding.
  • Very strong material which holds perfectly its shape against increased tone. The combination of the moulding capacity and a precise pattern design allows to mould conform to patient anatomy.
  • Orthoses are completely remouldable. Avoids waste of material.

Recommended applications

  • Excellent rigidity for large orthoses requiring full support: Knee and foot orthoses, Body jackets, Back supports.
  • Specifically recommended to fabricate anti-spastic orthoses.
  • Non-stick coating allows to mould directly onto bandages and cotton linings in post-surgical conditions.


Product Information & Education

Visit our Useful Information & Educate Yourself pages for instructional videos, upcoming splinting workshops, guides for the fabrication of static and dynamic splints and frequently asked questions.

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