Touro University Virtual Course
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. Recognize conditions of the fingers that benefit from orthotic management.
2. Learn tips and tricks for working with low temperature thermoplastic materials that benefit specific orthotic fabrication.
3. Identify the steps of fabrication for 6-8 custom orthoses for the fingers.
Orthoses will include the following:
· Mallet Orthosis
· Boutonnière Orthosis
· Anti -Swan Neck Orthosis
· Trigger Finger Orthosis
· Short Thumb Orthosis
· Anti- Claw Orthosis
· Relative Motion Orthoses
· Anti-Ulnar Drift Orthosis (Time permitting)
Workshop format: A powerpoint presentation, orthotic fabrication demonstrations, and hands-on fabrication of orthoses by all participants will guarantee the achievement of the learning objectives.