Orfit Open Face mask compared to a metal frame-base for stereotactic radiosurgery.
West Michigan Cancer Center prefers the Orfit open face mask over the frame-based solution they have been using for years for stereotactic radiosurgery.
Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) requires a submillimetre spatial accuracy. This accuracy depends on the alignment and collimation of the beams as well as on the positioning and immobilisation of the patient. A stereotactic head frame is a widely used and well-known system for immobilising patients who are treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. However, a frame-based fixation system has several drawbacks over a frameless system, like frame slippage, patient discomfort during application of the frame and exclusion of the use for fractionated delivery on sequential days. In addition, it requires assistance of a neurosurgeon.
The West Michigan Cancer Centre compared patient motion with their frame-based system to an Orfit Hybrid Open Face mask. The secondary fiducial system that is used together with the frame was replaced by the optical imaging system AlignRT from Vision RT. Study results indicate that the Orfit Hybrid Open Face mask immobilises stereotactic radiosurgery patients as well or better than the head frame they were using before. The Open Face mask immobilises patients to ≤ 0.4mm of motion, which is suitable for stereotactic radiosurgery, while their head frame allows 3 fold more patient motion.
The full study report can be found here.
In an earlier study conducted by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, the Orfit Hybrid Open Face mask was already been found to be as stable and precise as a closed mask while offering an increased patient comfort. The open face mask is beneficial for patients suffering from claustrophobia or children. The abstract of this article can be consulted here.
Discover our complete range of thermoplastic Hybrid Open Face Masks or contact us for more details about these products.
The Orfit 3 points Open Face Mask has been officially approved by Vision RT to use in combination with their AlignRT tracking system. More information can be found in our blogpost.
Written by Stephanie Augustynen, M.Sc Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Molecular Sciences
Radiation Oncology Junior Product Specialist at Orfit Industries.
Stephanie has been working for Orfit since 2015. Since then she has visited many radiation therapy centers to train the staff on the use of the Orfit immobilization devices.
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