How can I know what the properties or characteristics are for my splinting material?
View our products here to find out the characteristics of all our LTTPs. Here are some methods to test LTTPs for these above mentioned properties: (Use small splinting material samples provided by the manufactures for this purpose).
- Check the sample’s thickness. You might expect the thicker samples to be more rigid. Test for rigidity by trying to bend the material.
- Put the sample in hot water (60-70°C or 140–160°F) and watch the following: – Does the sample turn transparent? If yes: the product is a polyester based product with memory. It is usually self-adhesive unless coated. – How much time does it takes to get fully transparent? (Activation time) – Does it remain opaque and sink to the bottom of the water bath? The product is probably blended polyester. It has no memory and does not adhere to itself. – Does it float? The product is foamed polyester and may stick to itself. If so it most probably has (slow) memory.
- How long does it take for the product to soften homogeneously (fully activated)?
- Take the sample out of the water and check the following: – Does it stick to itself? If no, it most probably also has no memory. – Does it stick to other materials? – Does a surface coating prevent permanent bonding? Then it is expected to temporarily bond before hardening, but the bonding can be popped open when the material has cooled. Make sure you know how to remove this when needed. – How far can it be stretched before tearing or stop stretching? (% of original shape) – For how long does it remain moldable? (Working time)
- Put the sample back into the hot water and check the memory (Does it return to original shape?)
- After removing the sample from the water, check the hardening time.
- Mold the material over your flexed MCP joints. How well does it conform to the shape?
- After reheating the sample, mold it over your forearm and let the edges hand down. Does it feel tacky on your skin? Does it stay in place easily?
- Do your finger marks show? This indicates surface impressionability and if your finger marks show easily, you must be careful when handling this material.
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